How to create fill in the gap worksheets for French?

Create printable French fill-in-the-gap worksheets for students with this easy-to-use worksheet generator. This resource allows you to remove words form a text so students can write their answer in the gap. These worksheets can be used to assess vocabulary and sentence structure. What's really great about these worksheets is that they can be adapted to be used at a variety of learner levels.

Enter your text and then click on the words that you want to be filled in by your students. The French words you select will appear at the end of the sentence. To make things a bit more difficult, you can choose whether you’d like the answers to be scrambled so that students have to both unscramble the answers and then find the correct place to fill the gap.

You can choose the French font and size of the text as well as the title for the worksheet. The French learning worksheet you create will be ready for you to print. When you are printing, you can select how many worksheets you would like to have without answers and how many with answers. The worksheets with answers will show the gap filled with the correct word and have it underlined.

Fill in the Gap Examples:

J'ai un chat 


J ____ un chat. (ai)

If you wanted to select more than one answer:

J'ai un chat. Il s'appelle Percy.


J ____ un chat. Il ___ appelle Percy. ('ai, s')

If you wanted to make it even more advanced, for example:

Je suis propriétaire de chats. Ce sont des chats bruns. Mon chat préféré est Percy.

which becomes

Je ____ propriétaire de chats. Ce ____ des chats bruns. Mon chat préféré ___ Percy. (suis, sont, est)

Once you have printed your French Fill in the Gap worksheet, your students can start practicing right away! You can even get the students to mark their own work – with these worksheets students can check their answers using the answer sheet.

We have lots of other resources for creating French worksheets for learning, like scramble words, and create French word number bingo sheets


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